Set yourself up for success by developing your learning skills in a supportive, encouraging environment.
Help us help you
We know asking for help can be difficult, but our Academic Skills Unit team has a lot of experience helping students unlock their learning potential.
There are a number of ways you can take advantage of our expertise. You can take part in workshops (both online and on campus), explore our online resources, ask an online question, attend a drop-in or book a consultation (either in-person or online).
Learn more about the Academic Skills Unit
Sometimes, though, the best people to get study advice from are students who have already successfully completed the unit. And that's why we offer peer-assisted study sessions.
These small-group study sessions are led by recent graduates of units that first-year students might struggle with.
Learn more about our peer-assisted study sessions
And, of course, our campus libraries are a great first-step resource for hints and tips on learning, studying and handing in your best work.